Life often presents moments where we feel inadequate, broken, or unworthy of God's use. Yet even in our brokenness and imperfection, God can and wants to use us for His purpose.

Why Do We Feel Unworthy of God's Use?

We often allow our shortcomings, sins, and difficult circumstances to convince us that God cannot use us. The devil wants us to feel inadequate and incapable. However, this is a lie - God can use anyone who submits to His will.

How Does God Use Broken People?

God takes the unqualified and qualifies them. When we don't feel capable, that's often when God wants to use us most because we won't take the glory - we'll recognize it was all God's doing through us.

What Does Submission to God Look Like?

True submission means:

  • Being willing to be used however God chooses
  • Not questioning or limiting how God might use us
  • Accepting that God can use anything or anyone to accomplish His purpose
  • Letting go of our own plans and yielding to His will


How Do We Handle Opposition?

When we choose to follow God, we will face opposition:

  • Sometimes from enemies
  • Sometimes from close companions
  • People may throw "stones" through criticism and discouragement
  • We must stay focused on God's purpose despite opposition


What Should We Do When Our Hearts Are Broken?

In times of heartbreak:

  • Trust God's control over the situation
  • Let God handle it rather than trying to fix everything ourselves
  • Remember God can use painful circumstances to shape us
  • Look for God's purpose in the trial


Life Application

This week, consider:

  • What areas of your life do you feel unworthy or inadequate in?
  • How might God want to use those very weaknesses for His glory?
  • What "stones" of criticism or opposition are you facing?
  • Are you trying to handle difficult situations yourself instead of submitting them to God?


Challenge: Choose one situation this week where you feel inadequate or broken. Instead of trying to fix it yourself, deliberately submit it to God through prayer and look for how He might be using that circumstance to shape you and accomplish His purpose.

Remember: God doesn't call the qualified - He qualifies the called. Your brokenness is not a barrier to His use, but an opportunity for His power to be displayed through your weakness.