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In a world of constant change and distractions, the church must maintain its core focus on what truly matters. Looking at Acts 3:18-21, we find three essential elements that should be at the heart of every church's program.

Why Does the Church Need to Focus on Repentance?

Repentance is the first crucial element of God's program for the church. It involves:


  • Honest confession of our sins and shortcomings
  • Acknowledging our need for God's forgiveness
  • Converting from our old ways to God's ways
  • Experiencing cleansing through Christ


True repentance leads to transformation. The church should be a place where people can come to experience genuine repentance and find forgiveness.

How Does Spiritual Refreshing Impact the Church?

The second element is refreshing, which comes from God's presence. This includes:


  • Experiencing spiritual renewal
  • Finding rest from life's burdens
  • Receiving strength for daily challenges
  • Being uplifted through worship and fellowship


Churches should be places of refreshment where people can find spiritual nourishment and renewal in God's presence.

What Role Does Christ's Return Play in Church Focus?

The third essential element is maintaining focus on Christ's return. This creates:


  • A sense of urgency in sharing the gospel
  • Motivation for holy living
  • Separation from worldly distractions
  • Satisfaction in serving Christ
  • Commitment to reaching others


Life Application

Consider these questions for personal reflection:


  • What areas of my life need repentance and transformation?
  • Am I finding regular spiritual refreshment in God's presence?
  • How does the reality of Christ's return impact my daily choices?


Challenge for the week: Identify one area requiring repentance and take specific steps toward change. Set aside dedicated time for spiritual refreshment through prayer and Bible study. Share the gospel with someone, keeping in mind the urgency of Christ's return.

Remember: The church's effectiveness depends not on programs or personalities, but on maintaining focus on these three essential elements - repentance, refreshing, and Christ's return.